Phil is a character who makes his first appearance during the third episode of Duskwood. He is the brother of Jessy and Angela. He owns the Aurora.
Duskwood - Finding Hannah[]
Phil's first appeareance in the game occurs when he messages Jessy, telling off due to her friends' behaviour, most notably Dan's absence during what was supposed to be his first day working at the Bar Aurora.
When Jessy brings this up in the group chat, Cleo remarks that Phil was speaking badly of Hannah when she went to question him, arising suspicion towards him. During his conversation with the player, Phil would later reveal that Cleo was interrogating him in his own bar, asking leading questions and practically accusing him of kidnapping Hannah, in front of some of the bar owner's regulars. He claims this caused him to snap at Cleo.
Not long before the attack on his sister, Jessy, he would message her saying that he "had enough", then sending security camera footage showing Thomas and Cleo attempting to break into the Aurora's basement. Once again, Phil is angry and takes out his frustration on Jessy. When the player seeks answers from Thomas, Cleo and surprisingly, Richy in the following episode, Thomas would reveal that the body found in the forest had a matchbox from the Aurora laying aorund nearby, thus arising his suspicions of Phil.
Phil turns up again when MC calls his number while going through Hannah's call log. He picks up the call and, as he is driving somewhere, opts to text the player a little while later instead. The conversation is quite lengthy, Phil already being aware of the fact that MC is interested in talking about Hannah from the very beginning.
In the chat, when being asked by the MC about his last call with Hannah, Phil would say that Hannah asked to meet with him at his place. Phil said that Hannah wanted to relax her mind from Thomas. However, it later turned out that Hannah was possibly wanted to ask Phil why did he sell the bracelet to the pawn shop, thanks to Cleo asking Mr Oakley.
After a short while, MC would miss his call, but quickly texted him why did he call them. Jessy would text in a group chat that Phil was arrested, however not knowing the reason. Jessy would later express her frustration towards her friends, saying that Phil would not be arrested if they just give this investigation to the police.
Phil would later call the MC from prison, saying the reason he was locked up is because of Michael Hanson. It later turned out that Phil was Michael's old employee, becoming the new owner after he disappeared in the forest.
Phil is a womanizer, said by Richy, He can be seen flirting with the female MC, even has the bravery to ask Jessy about her. However, when it is Jessy, players can deduce that he always acting mean and aggressive. Nevertheless, Jessy still loves her brother and asked for MC's help to prove his innocence.
MC can also ask why did he acted differently towards Jessy's friends, then Phil would say that it was another story. Possibly, they had a beef before that made Phil always acting negatively towards his sister's friends.